3 Questions On How To Change Direction In Life

In the ongoing search for happiness and our destiny,
We might stumble on the fact that our lives have simply been going in the wrong direction.
By the choices, we’ve made or the ones others have made for us.
The journey to our destiny is not on a straight road, our emotions we often allow to cloud our judgments.
These decisions could ultimately alter the course setting of our lives,
The choices of our careers or the partners we have to spend our life with.
Some of these misdirections may reroute us still to our destiny or we might arrive somewhere entirely different.
They are no good or bad directions in life, just directions that could take us anywhere.
And it’s either right or wrong for us to take.
I should know, for my life has gone so many wrong directions.
5 years after my secondary education I realize I wasn’t interested at all in the field of financial accounting,
yet I spent 3 years in school learning it.
Spent years chasing the dream of basketball a door that was never going to be open to me.
Spent years investing heavily in relationships that was never going to be.
Take it from someone who took the long road here, the smallest things could lead to our misdirection in life.
Here are 3 questions on how to change direction in life and where my journey to finding the answers has led me to.
1: What Is It That You Want To Change?

To change direction in life, you must know what is it that you want to change, or what needs to change.
Is it your career or your relationships, beliefs or religion, or perhaps how you view yourself?
What is it that you really want to change? Not everything from your past will fit in your future.
And in life, you either change, or life will force you to.
I stopped playing basketball 8 years after I started and for the next 4 years,
My life was without direction, without meaning, or something to bring me fulfillment.
I was lost, I became stocked at this mountain of disappointment and failure,
Didn’t care about my destiny or my purpose here on earth.
I didn’t move on to the next dream or the next adventure in life and at age 28
I was already drowning over 3million in debt.
No stable roof over my head, it was even hard to afford my basic needs like clothing and feeding.
Life at that point was just tossing me everywhere, I was roaming aimlessly through life.
And I wanted a new direction, something to lead me toward happiness and fulfillment.
Knowing what I wanted to change drove me to a change.
What is it that you want to change? Your career? The direction your marriage is headed?
2: Where Is This Change Leading You?

More importantly than knowing what is it that you want to change, is to know where this change is leading you.
Is it leading towards love, happiness, and peace, or whatever it is that you want for your life?
I knew clearly, I wanted to become unstuck, free from the shackles of my past failures and disappointments, and head on a path that leads to happiness and fulfillment.
This in a way gave birth to a journey of me becoming a writer.
Writing now has become a redirection towards my destiny.
It’s a personal journey to finding our redirections in life
And we each hold the answers to where the change in our life is leading us too.
3: What Do You Have To Let Go Of?

To fly one must let go of the ground, to take on change one must let go of fear.
No change will come without a change.
It’s true, change is constant but all changes aren’t automatic.
Our body will change whether we like it or not, tomorrow will come whether we want it or not.
They are changes that come when we embark on a new direction in life.
This change demands a change, not just in the direction but in us.
A change in character, skillset, values, and even our lifestyle.
This change could even be extreme, we might have to lose some relationships.
I did lose mine with my girlfriend she didn’t understand the direction my life was now headed but I would rather change a girlfriend than fail my destiny.
They are some things you might have to let go of, and I believe you already hold the answers to what those things are.
Change oftentimes is scary, and frightening, but you owe it to yourself to fulfill your destiny.
Final Thoughts
I was clear about what I wanted to change and I found a direction that is leading me there.
There’s always something beautiful when we realize what life is changing or what we need to change about our lives,
Where this change is leading us, and the grace to let go so has to get to your destiny.
What does life want you to change? And what are the excuses that are holding you back?